Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Worlds apart

A ray of light struck my garden,
played on the water pool,
reflected into my room,
ploughed my mind with your thoughts again,
as if to remind,
all that left me behind,
where I lay shattered ,
in my own garden, besides the daisies,
where you roamed once,
those pink ones still smile at me,
bring me a tear,
I remember how I’ve watered them,
with my tears since the day you left,
they soothe me,
labour of love, lost I wont say,
they are so much you,
like my soul that sings your name,
entangled, stranded,
amidst a journey called life,
they ask me why I cry,
when they smile at me,
like a madman laughing with tears,
I gently touch their petals,
they stand too 
awaiting to be erased of their existence
just like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEy, Wowww Man, U areee Really gr8 at this work..

Saachi, All the poems and blogs, wohoo... U are MEhaGuru...your thinkin u explain so gud over here..and ...ahhh....i can't find the words...

Just keep doing gud on this..i really like these blogs.

from: Jwalant