Saturday, December 17, 2005


In loneliness,
her thoughts keep me adrift,
on a sea of my longing for her touch,
I float,
far away from her realm,
by the ocean,
next to those rocks,
and rusting iron and concrete,
in time,
in a trance,
in longings,
in shambles,
in pain,

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Oh well THat's attitude.
Who Else But Me

Thursday, December 01, 2005

æ~~~~ mY mAiLs FoR hEr ~~~~æ

☺☻☺۩ ۞ ۞۩☺☻☺

Waves lash against the shore of the eye,
over flow,
drop, called a tear,
of absence, from my arms,
of my wife,
my soul mate, my freedom,
my smile,my life,
reduced to static,
the distance, not much, but gravely far,
some 2700 seconds,
but seem like a lifetime,
and i live, ruled by it,
await her arrival,
each day,
each time she turns homeward,i cry,
seperated, by choice,
choices of someone else,
for others,
we await,
our union,
when i shall try to wake up,
find her resting her head on my heart,
asleep like a new born,
and i shall lay there,
watching her,
clinging to me,
like a mother and a child,
i await,
for her arrival.