Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Pink sunsets, cotton clouds, soothing winds,
The past, gentle and so mesmerizing, touching,
How it grips you in its vastness, those days,
Those eyes and that smile,
They stop your heart, for a brief moment,
You are between heaven and hell,
Lost in a transition of happiness and sad,
They grip you with the tenderness of a child,
Only to claw your heart, inflict a hurt deep,
To make you beg for freedom, for liberation,
as if to erase your past,
You cry out,there may be no answers,
you plead god,
The only companion is your soul,
bleeding profusely, while you wait,
A wait that just seems endless,
You fall into an eternity of pain,
Of belonging and you belong to pain,
Yearning for death, while the love feeds you,
Keeping you alive, the very force that kills,
Without mercy, eating you alive.

1 comment:

S.L. Corsua said...

With seemingly overlapping sighs, I utter: this piece I love!

Hmm... what to quote, what to quote... Gah, the whole thing is pure reading bliss!

Uhurm. I shall stop gushing now. ^_^