Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sleeping Child

I wish the angels sing sweet lullabies,
serenade you to sleep tonight,
you may lose forty winks
when you remember me,
for I'm as if in a coma,
from your prolonged absence,
the soul that once smiled,
awaited, knowing you shall arrive,
the next day, when the sun rose,
I used to sleep in anticipation,
Sleep is not easy to come by anymore,
for you haunt my memories,
making me search in the dark,
for a vision of you,
for the sound of your voice,
masked by the cricket sounds in the night,
I search for you,
in a deadlock of living and death,
caught between hope and reality,
I await the rains now,
to laugh at the rains like a madman,
for June shall soon arrive.

(In india the monsoon arrives in June.)

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