Monday, May 30, 2005

hurt me with your words

like silver drops on the lotus leaf,
floating on the pond of my life,
you seem to evade me,
your presence is beyond my understanding,
for you seem to make my heart bleed,
when you cry,
only to hurt me more when your absence hits,
wrecking my life,
as if the shadows of torment wait to loom,
over me,when you drift away,
like a child I cry for your voice,
in want of belonging, in want of living,
to subdue the emptiness,
that seems to gnaw at my flesh,
at my heart, at my soul itself,
to burn,
I hear my soul wail,
for you to invoke the spirit of my life,
now dying in your absence,
release me from the prison of pain,
that runs in my veins like poison,
heal me with your words that hurt,
for they remind me that you still know me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww I can so relate with this poem please don't ask me why....

I'll say a little prayer for you :) be strong.