Thursday, April 28, 2005

Intrepid Reality

Sailing through the storms,
on a single mast, if need be,
to fight an army a thousand strong,
alone, single handedly,
to attain flight, through lightning filled skies
on broken wings, flashes running through me,
to scale the highest icy peaks,
barefoot, if it shall have to be,
to walk through a raging firestorm
feel its blaze, stark naked, if it calls,
hold my heart in the palm of my hand
feel it dying, bleeding endlessly,
to smile, to look back, to laugh at life,
that torments me with your absence,
To dream, open-eyed,
to swim in the depths of some blue eyes,
to reach out and touch destiny,
to vanquish defeat, I will live,
I can now,
Love taught me.

Finally a poem with my page's title. Well tiger that's about things you make me capable of, hey and tigerlilly thank you for inspiring me,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the progression from pain to power in these pieces, ritesh. there's a lot of strength in that last one... i'm happy you found it. inspiration? all i did was hold up the mirror.