Tuesday, June 07, 2005

light me a flame

Light me a flame,
make it roar like the strongest inferno,
seperate my freedom from me,
with the inferno in between,
give me pains of longing and absence,
break my will, crush my heart,
make me long for death, try to,
            then give me a choice,
            between freedom and desire,
            and hope , inspire,
            paint the pink skies of my world grey,
            frighten me, 

try to turn me indoors,
try to corner me,
try to watch me shed a tear,

            You shall still find me,
            walking amongst the clouds,
            with my feet on this ground,
            through the flames,

my freedom would call me,
build my will, soothe the pain,
and embrace me in it’s arms,

            I was born to be free,
            my brithright,
            I cannot fall,
            be a prey to the cravings,
            of the mortal desires,
            that love contemplates,
            like an ordinary mortal,
           one who fears freedom itself,

I live,
I cherish
my freedom.


Shubhodeep said...

nice poem...i love freedom!

Anonymous said...

freedom is a sweet things but what if the soul doesn't want to be freed? sighs!

Have a nice weekend!

S.L. Corsua said...

You shall still find me,
walking amongst the clouds,
with my feet on this ground,
through the flames,

The three elements combined: air, earth, and fire. And it makes sense... It spells beauty through words. ^_^