Sunday, September 11, 2005

More of me

Ritesh, you're a Heart-Strong Idealist!

You're an impassioned individual who just can't suppress
your ideals. You've got a strong sense of right and
wrong, and want to let people know when they've crossed
the line. There will be times when you sit back to hear
both sides of an argument, but people had better stay
out of the way when your fiery passions take hold.
But just because you can be a bit of a rebel with a
cause, it doesn't mean you're incapable of being
understanding and compassionate. It's because you're so
invested in your ideas and interests that you can work
so tirelessly toward your goals and speak up for what
you believe in. So keep pouring your heart into it. With
conviction like yours, you're sure to succeed!

Test 2
Ritesh, stop the press, you're a hardback!

You're a Hardcover! Your score shows how much you value
your privacy. Your emotions aren't in broad circulation
-- you prefer to keep them hidden on the shelf. Clearly,
there are many "chapters" of your life kept off-limits,
even from close friends. This strategy can keep you from
being hurt by others, but there's a negative aspect,
too. With less intimacy, you may feel that your personal
relationships are not terribly satisfying. It can be
rather difficult for some people to reveal themselves to
others, but perhaps you should choose a couple of
chapters that aren't too personal and try sharing them
with a close friend. Dust off that old volume and open
it up -- you may find that your friend responds in quite
a positive way.

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