Wednesday, September 14, 2005

absolute ˚

I recalled a day,
I smiled so much i shed tears,
I closed my eyes,
Saw my mother,
holding on to me, ill,
at the hospital,
I held the pail, while she threw up,
all that anasthesia, in her blood,
making her drowsy,
I held her hand,
she cried, told me 'sorry son',
about this mess that you are cleaning,
I held her, to my heart,
for that brief moment,
I realized how much I loved her,
and how much she loved me,
and I understood what love was,
and you just reminded me of it again,
by loving me,
my tears blur my vision,
when i remember you both love me,
a lame excuse of being human, I am,
I smile at god,
thank him,
for making me the luckiest in love.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ritesh just dropping off some love and *HUgs* Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Fine heartfelt poetry. One can only hope to realize half the love a mother feels for her child, and it seems you have...