Saturday, May 09, 2009


Hold my hand, run with me a while
On these open fields that have reminded me of you
The mist, the wind, all that is now solemn post your arrival
It kept your memories alive,of my hidden feelings and my unsaid
Lets sit by the brook, let me how the water glows
glowing golden, as the light falls on your hair
and listen to its mystic flow
making a sound that speaks of you, as it has spoken forever
Lets roam around the vast hills, float into the waterfall
watch the birds in formation, heading into the setting sun
let me smile once, let me smile knowing it
Let me Fade into the mist this time as you would
every night that I have dreamt.
come visit me on the soil that i lay beneath
watch the plants grow, see the flowers they bear for you
pick anyone and wear one
I will think I have lived forever then.

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