Saturday, October 15, 2005

In Wait

Like freezing wisps,
The water sprays on my face,
As if those tear drops are trying to wash my face,
Splashing on the table,
As I watch waiting, hoping the wait is not in vain,
Watch your image in the smoke I spew,
Smiling, and each swirl pushing the knife of absence,
Deeper into my heart,
I hear you in my heart,
So close, but so far,
Burning me in flames of loneliness,
Separation of my strength, you,
Only a matter of 120 hours,
But like an eon passes,
Those 5 days in between,
I await your arrival at home,
I let a sigh escape,
In pain, in love, in craving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest romeo,

my heart warms at the thought that you havge found the one who you have been yearning for... and yet it aches for the love you set aside for me, but the happiness outweighs the sorrow and i would not dare step on your happiness... fly dearest one and always keep a space for juliet, the woman you found is the jewel, keep her safe and close for i shall also give her a space in my heart next to you.. she loves you and she understands you and that makes me happy.