Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Find me, as you did,
again, now I’m lost in your thoughts,
then it was the world,
you could search,
anywhere is where you can see,
you shall not find me,
look into your eyes,
stare at them,
you will find me, a part of me,lost there,
search your heart, the rest exists there,


S.L. Corsua said...

you will find me, a part of me,lost there,
search your heart, the rest exists there

There goes the explosion at the end. And yet I again, I am weakened. ^_^ Seems like your recent poems have such a strong pull as an ending, though the quiet, soothing voice persists. Sigh. Always a pleasure to be entranced by your words...

Anonymous said...

dearest romeo...

forgive me for i am lost...
in a sea of shadows i am drowning
send me a beacon
find me
and save me

iamnasra said...

I love the way you ended with affirmation of your existance through the one you love

look into your eyes,
stare at them,
you will find me, a part of me,lost there,
search your heart, the rest exists there,