Friday, July 24, 2009


When you sleep , what would you dream of
Shall you dream of the beautiful fire place
Before which we lay together
And forgot the world lost, in each others eyes
Shall you dream of that river crossing that we walked
When you held on to me close
On those slippery stones
Will you dream of those blue skies
And walk under it , holding hands
listening to the joyful birds
Shall you dream of a long lost time
when we sat on the moonlit beach
Where the waves sang a gentle song
Shall I feel you close to me , when I sleep tonight
And share your dream, and hear your heart beat
And hold you so close and never leave
I wish I do,
But your parting has kept me awake
Waiting for our next eventful meeting
Lets walk in the rain
And let me hear u sing
And look into ur eyes
Feel the water against your skin
Hold u close
Watch the wind ripple the water
Hear its hum around like a choir

See the droplets in your brow shimmer
In the dusk, whilst over looking the valley
Hear your breath , tingle my senses
When you shiver, i will hold you to me
And warm you with the fire I harbour deep in my heart
Watch the world turn orange
In the setting sun, when the rain ends

Ask me what is it that brings us close
Is it love or lust, or is it purpose
I shall reply, as I always do, its the time
And its a comfort in knowing you
If it was love, I should have been dead , long before
When you were missing,
If its lust only, We won't be in the rain
The sweat would have drenched us
Its comfort, knowing a friend, like you

Monday, July 20, 2009


I have waited to find, how would that earlobe feel
How would your breath feel on my skin
when you would call my name into my ears
Held close, when the flesh shall be undistinguishable
Would you tell me you have missed me
or would you regret the time
To feel your heart beating against my chest
Would you hear its craving for you
Shall it feel like a moment in time
would you miss it till we meet again
Would we break all the barriers we keep
Would you melt and flow through my finger tips
Would you wish to be with me again
When the time will be nothing and where the world is just sand

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I have to leave soon


The sun calls me, as it sets distant,
I seek no assurance of its return, its wish is its own
I seek no arrangements, I am now awake,, free of desires
I shall never be what I don’t wish to be
Its I now, the ‘ Us’ was destroyed when you put your wish over mine|
I held you as a flame to the wick
you burnt me, I am now no longer what I was
I give up on you , no longer are you dear
I was broken before, though at the hands of others
the knife this time is held by you
I can only bid my time
then run away from you, and rest beneath those trees
and watch the paddy grow
sitting alone, at the epitome of joy without you and your wishes

Seek no more


I often bask in the thought
Is it that there is no self left in me
have I given it up to a mortal being who wants her way
Shall I now believe and know that my end has arrived.r
Should I give up all that I cherish for her,
And then look into the self, now an emptiness
What shall I now believe
Should I say that I gave up the freedom, and chose slavery
of the woman who wants her life to be complete
thereby causing destruction to me, to all that I stand for
Would it matter to her, if she knows her wants stand to destroy
To crush to dust the very basis of our togetherness
Should I now run away, leave her for ever
Would it matter to her? and if it did would it to me?
Some questions I ponder upon, and then I exclaim
I am the alpha and omega of my creation
I shall build what I wish and then destroy what I don’t
Someday I know the day shall come
I shall be gone, leave her to her wants and desires
I no more exist as ‘Her’ in my soul

Friday, July 03, 2009

In between

All that remains must fade
Like the mist that shall covers the night fades
Vanishes , as it never was
And then we think, is this what it was meant to be
I beg to differ in this thought
Choices were made, all else given up
And then some of us gave up the self
Now when I walk among, all I see are the bodies
Soulless, bound to what the desires bind them
No escape
I eye the race I am among, I seem to be unmoved
These are not mine, nor do I wish
Want, think for or even about
I still walk here, the earth beneath the feet
Until I sleep alone, in it.